Monday 7 January 2013

Batman Shoes (DIY)

So while being sick over a wintry holiday, I was googling all sorts of fun projects to do once I was feeling better. One of these was DoItYourself shoes.

So after finding about all the wonderful uses of ModgePodge, comic books and highheels I have ventured out to try my own.

Instead of cutting up my favourite comic books, I printed off images from the internet. They worked wonderfully well actually. Just as well as magazine cut outs. (I had the Cineplex one about Batman) So armed with a sponge brush, ModgePodge and a Ex-Acto knife I set to work.

Several hours later I have finished with my creation.

some of the photos were taken while in progress, and the others still have glue drying on them.

But I adore these. Especially for a first try. Next project Potter or Doctor Who themed shoes.