Wednesday, 3 July 2013

LEAKY CON SATURDAY... or an Abundance of Bowties

Okay so today was pretty awesome. We attended the Whovian meetup.. the unofficial one outside in the lobby because the main one was chalk full.

This is were Voldemort decided to crash the party. Max was the most adorable Voldemort I saw at Portland. He spent about 15 minutes at the Whovian meet up dancing around and cursing people and being just too cute. Sarina and I ended up leaving the meeting a little early due to our stomach's rumbling for some waffles at Denny's... where we ran into Max again!

They were waiting inline behind us for tables and as I was dressed as the TARDIS he promptly came up and told me that I must go back to NewYork 1938 and crash in the time vortex (oh no!). I had to tell him that the TARDIS needed fuel in the form of waffles before I could go on my journey. He didn't think much of that was was casting spells around Denny's. But man was he cute haha. So it was lots of fun waiting in line with them before we got some tables.I hope my future kids are into Harry Potter and Doctor Who as much as Max was.

There was another cute little guy at Tessa's dance video meetup. I didn't catch his name but he was a Hufflepuff like myself and proudly announced that during LeakyCon he was 9 3/4 years old! There was a lot of collective awww-ing and ooo-ing going on when they were both in the room.

We attended the Hank Green Nerdfighter meetup!! My friend Jesse was pretty jealous as Hank and John are on his idol list.

The dance that night was AWESOME in a supermegafoxyawesome way. I literally bumped into Hank was he was taking pictures with a girl dressed as the TARDIS. We partied all night with some cool people and ended up heading back around 11:30ish. One of the best parts about the dance was the (this is where the title comes in) abundance of bowties. Most guys there (they were a minority unfortunately) were wearing BOWTIES. WHY? CAUSE BOWTIES ARE FREAKING COOL THATS WHY. It was great! I loved it. I danced till my back started aching from all the hiphop I was busting out haha.

Again if anyone got photos with me, I'd love to see them!

For now here is a weeping angel...


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