Next Wednesday marks one year since I started working at a law firm as a Legal Assistant. Ironically Harry Potter lead me here and I'm finally starting to feel like I've settled into the position. I'm a receptionist/transcriptionist/personal assistant. I make calls, receive calls, run around filing things, and draft plenty of documents. It's sometimes hectic, yet sometimes slow. It's also the first year I've pulled off being able to work 2 jobs at once. (I still make pizza's on the weekend)
While not being my first "real" job, it certainly is what allowed me to move out on my own and in a way is akin to my first anniversary as an adult.
At least... an 21 year old adult who still indulges in geek conventions and gets excited over the new releases of Marvel movies. My house is decorated in superhero helms and framed posters of Daleks. My spare room is called the Batcave and a TARDIS holds all my movies.
But hey... I'm an adult that is young at heart still. I still pay the bills, and get groceries all on my own ;)
Cheers xoxo.
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
I'm Here Today Because of a Boy with Dark Hair and Glasses.
Someone has finally written the reasons as to why Fandom means so much.
Hannah at Literally Darling has done it. Check it out below.
I've often wondered what kind of person I would be without Harry Potter in my life. The possibilities make my cringe actually. I wonder if I would be as accepting as I am now. If I would be as willing to embrace the weird, and the wonderful. I know I certainly wouldn't have the job I do now without Harry Potter.
Harry Potter has been in my life since the 3rd grade. My cousin bought me Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone on VHS (just saying that makes me feel old...) for my birthday. It was magical. It was amazing. Quidditch drew me in. (After all who doesn't want to play a sport on broomstick in the air?) It certainly helped that my uncle had build a broom ride at the top of the hill for her. It was a zipline between two trees and you dragged your broom to the top of the hill to 'fly' down to the bottom. (I'm terribly fond of trees, probably for this very reason.)
I was hooked.
In 4th grade I attended a small private Christian school. (My parent's aren't religious, but they thought me being homeschooled and then thrown into public school at that age wouldn't be a good idea. I was a bit of a little shit at home) Harry Potter was banned here, but that certainly didn't deter me. By that point I'd decided to read the books. I snuck my copy of Goblet of Fire into the school to show my best friend. She too loved Harry Potter. We even skipped school to go see Prisoner of Azkaban (They gave lego out at the theatre too, but I have long since lost my Lego Knight Bus)
5th grade found me recruiting some other girls to a Harry Potter trivia competition. We lost by one point. The question we lost on was "What are Bludgers made of? Iron or Lead?" I'd mistakenly chosen Lead....forgetting that indeed pencils are made of lead and therefore are much softer.
In 6th grade I was made fun of for owning Harry Potter crayons because I was a girl... and Harry Potter was for boys. Needless to say, I kept those crayons. (Thankfully I'm a fairly thick skinned person when it comes to bullying)
I got grounded at one point for being a smart alec and instead of saying you can't go out, my mum took away my Harry Potter books. I was more upset about this then most kids would be. I snuck into the kitchen and read them at night with a flashlight.
By highschool I was a bit more quieter about my love Harry Potter and all things geeky. Halloween continued to be my favourite time of the year (Which is for sure what lead me to CosPLAY). I joined dance and theatre, my favourite parts being costuming and the show itself. My group dance project for my graduating year was Pirate of the Caribbean themed.
I heard about Harry Potter conventions. I remembered the broadcastings of Midnight releases (which never happened in our town) on Mugglenet and the LeakyCauldron. I distinctly recall thinking how awesome it must be to play life size wizard's chess. (At one of the midnight releases this happened)
I found out about LeakyCon shortly after I graduated. It was a month before the convention, and I wouldn't be able to attend, but there would be another one the next year. I was determined to go. I went to college for Legal Administration, and finished my exams early so I could attend LeakyCon Portland 2013. In order to get my certificate for my course I would need to complete a 60 hour practicum. (Which I had to find myself... and I had no luck in finding one in the 3 weeks before I left)
My best friend Sarina came with me to Portland. It was a long bus ride from Canada and but an amazing adventure. The energy at LeakyCon is so positive. (My favourite moment was the morning before the convention started and we were downtown Portland and there were folks in cloaks everywhere)
On our last night in Portland we got dinner with Sarina's parents friends. (They're Canadian, but live and work in Portland). Jay's wife just so happened to have a friend who was a legal assistant in the city where I was applying and said she would ask her about getting me a practicum.
A phone call later and I got the practicum. After I finished my 60 hours I got my certificate. On one of my last days at the office, one of the assistants at a different firm in the building was leaving for her new job. The girl who got the job was A.
This is were things get ironic. No, I did not get the job in the building. Rather Am who got the litigation assistant position, left one open at another solicitor's firm. WHICH I GOT! and it is exactly the kind of law firm I wanted to work for to begin with. Small and focuses on Wills, Estates, and conveyancing.(selling and buying of houses)
So moral of the story... Read Harry Potter.... it just might get you a job.
Hannah at Literally Darling has done it. Check it out below.
I've often wondered what kind of person I would be without Harry Potter in my life. The possibilities make my cringe actually. I wonder if I would be as accepting as I am now. If I would be as willing to embrace the weird, and the wonderful. I know I certainly wouldn't have the job I do now without Harry Potter.
Harry Potter has been in my life since the 3rd grade. My cousin bought me Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone on VHS (just saying that makes me feel old...) for my birthday. It was magical. It was amazing. Quidditch drew me in. (After all who doesn't want to play a sport on broomstick in the air?) It certainly helped that my uncle had build a broom ride at the top of the hill for her. It was a zipline between two trees and you dragged your broom to the top of the hill to 'fly' down to the bottom. (I'm terribly fond of trees, probably for this very reason.)
I was hooked.
In 4th grade I attended a small private Christian school. (My parent's aren't religious, but they thought me being homeschooled and then thrown into public school at that age wouldn't be a good idea. I was a bit of a little shit at home) Harry Potter was banned here, but that certainly didn't deter me. By that point I'd decided to read the books. I snuck my copy of Goblet of Fire into the school to show my best friend. She too loved Harry Potter. We even skipped school to go see Prisoner of Azkaban (They gave lego out at the theatre too, but I have long since lost my Lego Knight Bus)
5th grade found me recruiting some other girls to a Harry Potter trivia competition. We lost by one point. The question we lost on was "What are Bludgers made of? Iron or Lead?" I'd mistakenly chosen Lead....forgetting that indeed pencils are made of lead and therefore are much softer.
In 6th grade I was made fun of for owning Harry Potter crayons because I was a girl... and Harry Potter was for boys. Needless to say, I kept those crayons. (Thankfully I'm a fairly thick skinned person when it comes to bullying)
I got grounded at one point for being a smart alec and instead of saying you can't go out, my mum took away my Harry Potter books. I was more upset about this then most kids would be. I snuck into the kitchen and read them at night with a flashlight.
By highschool I was a bit more quieter about my love Harry Potter and all things geeky. Halloween continued to be my favourite time of the year (Which is for sure what lead me to CosPLAY). I joined dance and theatre, my favourite parts being costuming and the show itself. My group dance project for my graduating year was Pirate of the Caribbean themed.
I heard about Harry Potter conventions. I remembered the broadcastings of Midnight releases (which never happened in our town) on Mugglenet and the LeakyCauldron. I distinctly recall thinking how awesome it must be to play life size wizard's chess. (At one of the midnight releases this happened)
I found out about LeakyCon shortly after I graduated. It was a month before the convention, and I wouldn't be able to attend, but there would be another one the next year. I was determined to go. I went to college for Legal Administration, and finished my exams early so I could attend LeakyCon Portland 2013. In order to get my certificate for my course I would need to complete a 60 hour practicum. (Which I had to find myself... and I had no luck in finding one in the 3 weeks before I left)
My best friend Sarina came with me to Portland. It was a long bus ride from Canada and but an amazing adventure. The energy at LeakyCon is so positive. (My favourite moment was the morning before the convention started and we were downtown Portland and there were folks in cloaks everywhere)
On our last night in Portland we got dinner with Sarina's parents friends. (They're Canadian, but live and work in Portland). Jay's wife just so happened to have a friend who was a legal assistant in the city where I was applying and said she would ask her about getting me a practicum.
A phone call later and I got the practicum. After I finished my 60 hours I got my certificate. On one of my last days at the office, one of the assistants at a different firm in the building was leaving for her new job. The girl who got the job was A.
This is were things get ironic. No, I did not get the job in the building. Rather Am who got the litigation assistant position, left one open at another solicitor's firm. WHICH I GOT! and it is exactly the kind of law firm I wanted to work for to begin with. Small and focuses on Wills, Estates, and conveyancing.(selling and buying of houses)
So moral of the story... Read Harry Potter.... it just might get you a job.
LeakyCon 2014- Orlando Day 1
I'm sitting at my computer. I'm feeling midly nervous. Butterflies are in my stomach. Open at the Close tickets are going on sale in 10 minutes.
Feeling anxious as the page was loading, I thought there is no way that these tickets will sell out in under 10 minutes. Me and my roommates were messaging each other as our tickets were confirmed. I was fast... I was a ninja.... I got my Open at the Close ticket in 6 minutes.
Right before they sold out at 7 minutes.
I felt incredibly relieved and mostly shocked. The last time they held this event it sold out in a week. Admittedly Diagon Alley is new still. I felt so bad for those who didn't think it would sell out so soon and missed it.
I did dance around like a lunatic in my parent's kitchen though. (They let me come over to use their computer since their Internet is better then mine) It felt like I'd just won the world cup. Not only did I get to go to Florida for holidays, I would get to go to Universal's Harry Potter parks... at night... with other witches and wizards.
Later we found out that rides would shut down by the time our official park event was to start. While there were many compliants about this, I wasn't bothered. Rollarcosters aren't my thing to begin with. (If you've ever been to West Edmonton Mall, you will understand why) The only ones I was particularly interested in was Gringotts and Forbidden Journey. (If the lines weren't too long). I was mainly excited about exploring the shops and hidden bits of the parks.
Orlando time
I was at the convention centre early. I was meeting the awesome Rebecca who runs the Tumblr side of my LeakyCon Cosplay Community page to give her some of the page's cards to hand out. Registration wouldn't open till 11, but by 9:30 people were already beginning to show up. I figured I might as well stay and see how things went. The main LeakyCon banner was in the process of being put up still.
The park started making the muggles leave at 10, and the food was being set out at 10:30. We were hanging out at the back of the Three Broomsticks at this point since it was the quietest part of the park then. The Hogwarts Castle was lighting up and it was beautiful. Unfortunately my camera couldn't pick it up very well as we were farther away.
The real magic was about to begin. Everywhere you looked people were in robes, food carts lined the streets and the shops were light up. Every display was unique and most of them had some magic to them. From self stirring cauldrons to Mrs. Weasley's knitting, everywhere you looked was something new.
All the Universal crew were in character. There were a few instances were they came out of character with some prodding. One guy at Borgin and Burkes explained the 5 point questions he was asked in order to get a job at this park. (He couldn't name the 4 positions of quidditch, but was able to list dark curses... hence why he's working at Borgins). We had a lvoely conversation with one of the Hogwarts Express attendants. She normally works at Ollivanders, but extra staff were needed for the night.
By far my favourite crew member was the Knight Bus conductor. He was quirky and weird and the talking head was fantastic. I was expecting it to have set sayings or generalized ones. Then it commented that I have more ink on my leg then the Daily Prophet. (I have a TARDIS tattoo on my leg)
As for the rides, I made it onto the Forbidden Journey before it closed. That was neat. It felt like I was riding on a broomstick, and while the ride got stuck twice (once in Aragog's nest and once in the Basilisk Chamber- BOTH which I am kind of afraid of) it was fantastic.
The Hogwarts Express was almost like a ride in itself. The first time I went on it, we were sitting with this muggle family and the kids were ruining the magic... They kept saying oh it's just a screen. They just recorded it. SHUSH children!
The second time back to Diagon Alley we got a compartment to ourselves. Nicole snapped a picture of me freaking out happily over everything.
The food- I mainly stuck to the salad and dinner rolls that were offered. I dislike stew for the most part, and it was still hot out. The eggs were a bit odd, and Nicole said they weren't done correctly when we tried them. The desert trolly had various cakes which we tried. The line for Florian's Icecream parlour was too long in my opinion for dixie cup samples. We did get some frozen butterbeer, and a cold tea type drink. Frozen butterbeer is much better in my opinion then regular butterbeer. It's more like a slushie.
We finally left the park around 2am. Tired but happy.
UP NEXT- Day 2 - The convention begins!
All my photos from Open at the Close are here
Feeling anxious as the page was loading, I thought there is no way that these tickets will sell out in under 10 minutes. Me and my roommates were messaging each other as our tickets were confirmed. I was fast... I was a ninja.... I got my Open at the Close ticket in 6 minutes.
Right before they sold out at 7 minutes.
I felt incredibly relieved and mostly shocked. The last time they held this event it sold out in a week. Admittedly Diagon Alley is new still. I felt so bad for those who didn't think it would sell out so soon and missed it.
I did dance around like a lunatic in my parent's kitchen though. (They let me come over to use their computer since their Internet is better then mine) It felt like I'd just won the world cup. Not only did I get to go to Florida for holidays, I would get to go to Universal's Harry Potter parks... at night... with other witches and wizards.
Later we found out that rides would shut down by the time our official park event was to start. While there were many compliants about this, I wasn't bothered. Rollarcosters aren't my thing to begin with. (If you've ever been to West Edmonton Mall, you will understand why) The only ones I was particularly interested in was Gringotts and Forbidden Journey. (If the lines weren't too long). I was mainly excited about exploring the shops and hidden bits of the parks.
Orlando time
I was at the convention centre early. I was meeting the awesome Rebecca who runs the Tumblr side of my LeakyCon Cosplay Community page to give her some of the page's cards to hand out. Registration wouldn't open till 11, but by 9:30 people were already beginning to show up. I figured I might as well stay and see how things went. The main LeakyCon banner was in the process of being put up still.
(Let's geek out)
Line Con officially started at 11. Registration was delayed till 12:30. I was about 10th in my line, so I lucked out quite a bit. I got my swag bag, tickets and pass. I was also able to make it to the Canadian Meetup.(and Canadian Enthusiasts)
(Not everyone in this photo is Canadian)
LineCon was still happening as we left the convention center around 3 to head back to our hotel to get ready for the park event. By this point they were asking people to please leave if they were not attending the Open at the Close event. It was imperative that those attendees got their ticket so that they could catch the bus to Universal. I know this was really frustrating for everyone involved, from the people that needed their tickets for the park event to those who has been waiting in line for ages to be told to come back tomorrow because they couldn't get through everyone that day.
We came back from our hotel dressed out in our school uniforms.
(Hufflepuffs rule)
We got to Universal around 4:30 and were let into the park for 5. We went straight to Diagon Alley. The Gringott's ride was a wait time of 3 hours, which we did not plan on spending there. So we wandered Diagon Alley and then went off to Hogsmeade to see what the line for Forbidden Journey was. That was only about an hour and a half. This is around when our group lost members and got split up. ( Somewhere between entering the park and Diagon Alley we lost Emma, and then we lost Emily and Abby to the rest of Universal - but at least we knew about that-)
Entering Diagon Alley was magical. I've never been to a theme park before in my life, but this was more then that I think.
(Lens Flare curtsey of JJ Abrams)
You walk through muggle London. You see the Knight Bus for the first time. (If you're me you freak out a little bit, because never in your life did you imagine you'd actually make it here). Walking through the wall to Diagon Alley was another magical moment. Hedwig's theme is playing, and you feel at home. It's just like the movie, but with more muggles wandering through. (Like a lot more... At one point around 9 I was feeling very overwhelmed. I hadn't eaten much, was feeling hot, and I was surrounded by people and crying children)
The park started making the muggles leave at 10, and the food was being set out at 10:30. We were hanging out at the back of the Three Broomsticks at this point since it was the quietest part of the park then. The Hogwarts Castle was lighting up and it was beautiful. Unfortunately my camera couldn't pick it up very well as we were farther away.
The real magic was about to begin. Everywhere you looked people were in robes, food carts lined the streets and the shops were light up. Every display was unique and most of them had some magic to them. From self stirring cauldrons to Mrs. Weasley's knitting, everywhere you looked was something new.
All the Universal crew were in character. There were a few instances were they came out of character with some prodding. One guy at Borgin and Burkes explained the 5 point questions he was asked in order to get a job at this park. (He couldn't name the 4 positions of quidditch, but was able to list dark curses... hence why he's working at Borgins). We had a lvoely conversation with one of the Hogwarts Express attendants. She normally works at Ollivanders, but extra staff were needed for the night.
By far my favourite crew member was the Knight Bus conductor. He was quirky and weird and the talking head was fantastic. I was expecting it to have set sayings or generalized ones. Then it commented that I have more ink on my leg then the Daily Prophet. (I have a TARDIS tattoo on my leg)
(Dat gurls got more ink on her leg dare then da Daily Prophet)
(We found Emma again by this point!)
As for the rides, I made it onto the Forbidden Journey before it closed. That was neat. It felt like I was riding on a broomstick, and while the ride got stuck twice (once in Aragog's nest and once in the Basilisk Chamber- BOTH which I am kind of afraid of) it was fantastic.
The Hogwarts Express was almost like a ride in itself. The first time I went on it, we were sitting with this muggle family and the kids were ruining the magic... They kept saying oh it's just a screen. They just recorded it. SHUSH children!
The second time back to Diagon Alley we got a compartment to ourselves. Nicole snapped a picture of me freaking out happily over everything.
(Don't mind me... I'm never leaving)
I have since proclaimed that the Hogwarts Express alone was worth $150.00 (seriously... I almost cried with happiness)
The food- I mainly stuck to the salad and dinner rolls that were offered. I dislike stew for the most part, and it was still hot out. The eggs were a bit odd, and Nicole said they weren't done correctly when we tried them. The desert trolly had various cakes which we tried. The line for Florian's Icecream parlour was too long in my opinion for dixie cup samples. We did get some frozen butterbeer, and a cold tea type drink. Frozen butterbeer is much better in my opinion then regular butterbeer. It's more like a slushie.
We finally left the park around 2am. Tired but happy.
UP NEXT- Day 2 - The convention begins!
All my photos from Open at the Close are here
LeakyCon 2014 ORLANDO- The beginning
So I've come to the conclusion I only blog after conventions... and occasionally before.
I was fortunate enough to be able to attend LeakyCon 2014 Orlando this year. It was held at the Orange County Convention Centre, and was 5 days of awesome nerdiness.
I flew out of B.C Sunday night. This would be my first time flying international and I was a bit nervous. So naturally I got picked for extra screening....AT EVERY AIRPORT. What did make me feel better about leaving was as I was about to board the plane, the airport music had changed to Lord of the Rings. I'm going on an ADVENTURE!
I had a layover at LAX which was long (thank god). Customs almost didn't let me into the States. Since my passport photo was taken 2 years ago, I have cut almost all my hair off and now sport a pixie cut. The customs officer asked me about 30 different questions, and finally let me through after he decided that indeed.... my chin still looked similar to the one on my passport.
If you have never been to LAX, you are most fortunate. It took me about 20 minutes to find my departure gate (and this included having directions). It does however have the coolest sparkly floors. They literally look like you're walking on pixie dust. So that was kinda magical. I was also incredibly worried I was going to lose my luggage since I had to get it and then hand it off to someone else who was just like yes.. yes.. no worries.
I landed in Orlando first thing Monday morning to the humidity that Florida is known for. It was akin to walking into a sauna for the first time. I don't particularly like saunas... I barely like hot springs. on the plus side. My luggage made it through, even if it now looked like someone did lines of cocaine off it.... (There was white powder crap on it).
Arriving at the Rosen Plaza ( I was one of the few who didn't have their room moved on them) a bit tired and hungry I found myself locked out of my room. (My friend Abby had arrived the night before and had put the dead bolt on) Thankfully she woke up and let me in.
I was fortunate enough to be able to attend LeakyCon 2014 Orlando this year. It was held at the Orange County Convention Centre, and was 5 days of awesome nerdiness.
I flew out of B.C Sunday night. This would be my first time flying international and I was a bit nervous. So naturally I got picked for extra screening....AT EVERY AIRPORT. What did make me feel better about leaving was as I was about to board the plane, the airport music had changed to Lord of the Rings. I'm going on an ADVENTURE!
I had a layover at LAX which was long (thank god). Customs almost didn't let me into the States. Since my passport photo was taken 2 years ago, I have cut almost all my hair off and now sport a pixie cut. The customs officer asked me about 30 different questions, and finally let me through after he decided that indeed.... my chin still looked similar to the one on my passport.
If you have never been to LAX, you are most fortunate. It took me about 20 minutes to find my departure gate (and this included having directions). It does however have the coolest sparkly floors. They literally look like you're walking on pixie dust. So that was kinda magical. I was also incredibly worried I was going to lose my luggage since I had to get it and then hand it off to someone else who was just like yes.. yes.. no worries.
(It's now 2am... and I think my luggage is lost)
I landed in Orlando first thing Monday morning to the humidity that Florida is known for. It was akin to walking into a sauna for the first time. I don't particularly like saunas... I barely like hot springs. on the plus side. My luggage made it through, even if it now looked like someone did lines of cocaine off it.... (There was white powder crap on it).
Arriving at the Rosen Plaza ( I was one of the few who didn't have their room moved on them) a bit tired and hungry I found myself locked out of my room. (My friend Abby had arrived the night before and had put the dead bolt on) Thankfully she woke up and let me in.
(Quirrel forgives you for locking me out of the dungeon)
I couldn't sleep. I mostly just allowed being overtired to take over and dress up like Quirrell.... TROLL IN THE DUNGEON... Slytherins to your dormitories. Hunger ensued so we went on an adventure to Dennys where I ordered Belgium Waffles and found out that the whipped topping isn't whip cream... its butter. It doesn't taste good in globs in your mouth.
Eventually through Monday afternoon and Tuesday all my room mates joined us. We even had a temporary room mate... PIZZA GIRL. (Actually her name is Margot and she is very awesome. Check out her channel and especially this song --> Margot's Pizza Song )
Tuesday I spent stuffing swag bags.... like a lot of swag bags. I never want to see button pins again... SO YOU ALL BETTER APPRECIATE THOSE STEAMPUNK CLOCK PINS. (And if you got more then one in your bag that's because I love you... and not because at point me and my partner were jokingly fighting over who got the pin in the bag first)
UP NEXT - Open at the Close Private Event
Monday, 5 May 2014
I like my fanboys how I like my coffee...
So there is a shirt out there that was being sold at Wondercon.(Main article) ->
The shirt basically states

Well fuck you too.
I think everyone is a fangirl or boy about something in their lives and if they aren't... That's really sad.
If you love something so passionately that you collect things, or write about it, or get together in groups- Then yes. YOU ARE A FAN*Insert whatever gender you identify as here*
I still can't believe that this was sold at Wondercon... a place were people who love nerdy geeky goodness go to be themselves and share in what they love. It is not a place to discriminate or be THAT jackass. But apparently for the group selling these shirts.. yes they will make that joke about anything.
The main thing is:
If you love something (if its sports, books, movies, vegetables, whatever ) then you are a FAN.
Get over it.
This post was written early then showed late to the party, but the venting helps. ;)
So there is a shirt out there that was being sold at Wondercon.(Main article) ->
The shirt basically states
Well fuck you too.
I think everyone is a fangirl or boy about something in their lives and if they aren't... That's really sad.
If you love something so passionately that you collect things, or write about it, or get together in groups- Then yes. YOU ARE A FAN*Insert whatever gender you identify as here*
I still can't believe that this was sold at Wondercon... a place were people who love nerdy geeky goodness go to be themselves and share in what they love. It is not a place to discriminate or be THAT jackass. But apparently for the group selling these shirts.. yes they will make that joke about anything.
The main thing is:
If you love something (if its sports, books, movies, vegetables, whatever ) then you are a FAN.
Get over it.
This post was written early then showed late to the party, but the venting helps. ;)
Cosplay Day- Lady Loki
I am attending LeakyCon Florida this year (and it may be the last year for a little while) so it's going to be the best vacation time ever!
Last year I stuck with one cosplay. The TARDIS. Which was cool, since my friend cosplayed as the 11th Doctor.
This year I thought "lets do a couple different ones!" Cause why not?
I've even got a list (and more time then last year...)
Lady Loki (Marvel Universe)
Doctor Who
Last year I stuck with one cosplay. The TARDIS. Which was cool, since my friend cosplayed as the 11th Doctor.
This year I thought "lets do a couple different ones!" Cause why not?
I've even got a list (and more time then last year...)
Lady Loki- Version 1
This is the first stage of my costume. It's getting changed around a bit since I have some newer items that are getting added to give the Loki impression a bit better. But generally, everything was either already owned, or I can actually wear it out (and not just in costume)
It's got layers...
Layer 1 is a dark green dress (which now doesn't have sleeves though at the time I took this photo it did)
This dress cost me $1.00 a couple Halloweens ago. It never got used for it's original purpose of Robin Hood, but I didn't want to get rid of it. Thankfully I didn't.
Layer 2- This is a black strapless dress with some neat designs on it (which don't show well on camera). I didn't mind spending on this since I would be able to wear it out multiple times. $7.00 (originally $30, but Ardenes was having a outlet sale!!)
Layer 3- The belt has this awesome zipper style to it and is also from the Ardenes sale. $1.50
Layer 4- Fur collar. This was off an old jacket, so there was no cost really.
Accessories: The socks have little spikes on them and look badass, and the boots I already owned from year. The wig is also something I preowned and probably got on sale after Halloween. It's not a great quality wig, but it works for what I want. Headband $1.50 (Ardenes). There are also some bronze looking cuffs (Ardenes) $4.00 for both.
Total Cost= $15.00
This will get updated soon. But I can't wait to cosplay this with my roomates.
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